Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Every night i would be breaking down in front of the computer.
After F&N blues are over, the maths and the rest has been really a bother.
When i think i know alot, in fact i dont.
There are still truckloads of things i NEEED to know.
& before i knew it, prelims are here.
In fact, i've been falling sick, and i really dont want to go sch.
The whole week was mock tests its really crazy.
I dont even know if i've got the time to go for mass.
& my panda eyes are getting really bad. ):
Killer flu is really killing.
Whatever it is la, i'm just gonna hang on.
Cos its just 2 more months. (:
* Tomorrow will be a better day!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sherlyn Ng Shimin:
Thanks for saying im a fatty bom bom.
Thanks for BBQ-ing satay for me.
Thanks for giving up your bed for me when I stay over.
Thanks for lecturing me about the ppl who waste their life away.
& lastly, thanks for being such a sweeeeeet cousin. (:
Cooooolios mansxzxxx.
Cheryl See Shixuan:
You this lazy worm.
You're always sleeping when im over at yr place.
And you're always working, & i dont see you so often. ):
&&&&&&&&& I dont see you in church!
Neverthelessss, i still love you like how God does. (:
I cant wait for Ns to be over, & so i can do ultra shop'g w you!
Symeon Christopher Edgehill Brown:
Happy Belated Birthday love! (:
Silly you. Stop skipping growth lesssson and come for the last class next week ok.
Tell me how you say "God is goooooood" again yaa.
Dont drink and get yrself drunk too often and study hard.
Pray when ure in low spirits k.
Love you. (:
James Anthony William Brown:
Ohwell, ur sch semester is gonnnna start soon,
get yrself ready and I know ure gonna do really well. (:
Yup, pray James. & i'll keep you in my prayers too.
Takre really good care, & see you sooonxzzzx.
Cherann Kaela Valberg:
Thanks for being such an annoying piece of crap.
Thanks for being so abusive, like always.
Thanks for lending me your jacket when im cold.
Thanks for scolding me when im being really stupid.
Thanks for saying my understanding is realllly slow.
Thanks for laughing at my stupidity.
Thanks for saying im damn hell 'cute'.
Thanks for saying things just to 'fuyan' me.
Thanks for talking to me on the phone every single night.
Thanks for preaching at me, not letting me lose my faith.
Thanks for meeting me like everyday after school to hang out.
Thanks for studying with me.
Thanks for letting me laze around in your bed, tho you've OCD.
Thanks for teaching me the guitar.
Thanks for saying im silly.
Thanks for criticising my height.
Thanks for saying i have such nice messsssy hair.
Thanks for pouring out all yr unhappiness for me to hear.
Thanks for sharing you daily happening with me.
Thanks for saying im damn hell noisy.
Thanks for the inspirational message you send.
& lastly,
Thanks for being such an awesome friend yo!
Garett Ann Parbo Ocampo:
Awwww, sillygirl you.
What can i say man, you're the sweetest girl on planet earth.
Girl, dont worry so much, ure so gonna do well for your Ns.
Just keep on putting yr faith in God, and pray.
My heart immediately melted as i read upon the message you text last night.
Its damn sweet, realllly.
It meant ALOTALOTALOT to me.
I really want to be BFFs with you till the world stop revolving.
Cos right now, if my life is gonna be without you,
i dont how how to life. You have unknowingly become a part of my life.
Gosh, this is so mushymushy, but it really true.
& lastly,
I want you to know, in life, you cant find just anyone who can so relate to each other.
Our friendship, is something call FATE.
Lorraine Ong Weishi:
stop thinking you're forgotten okay.
I dont want you to think that way.
You're are also the special someone, who i NEED in my life.
Dont be so stressed over Os, i know you are!
Take it easy, NOT so easy but, yeah. (:
You are bright, trust me.
& dont let your faith fade away, pray as and when you can.
Cos God will always listen if you call upon him.
I love you, and so does He.
Andrea Christine Pang:
andreaalove, having you in Priceless, is Priceless.
Make good use of the gifts that God grant to you, & believe it.
I believe you can also be a very good intercessorrr! (:
Ohwell, don't get so stressed with Os too yea,
dont worrrrry, i'll keep my prayers for you too k.
Iris Gabrielle:
Babe! haha, i reallreallly love you lah.
youre really an awesome intercessor, really.
Thanks for the prayer that you did for me,
& thanks for listening to all my problems.
Praying with you is just so amazing.
Take really good care, & dont think so much okay?
yea, study really hard, Iris,
Take care huns, and seeya really soon.
Vanessa Koh Shixin:
I hope you feel inspired by the chapter I asked you to read today.
Yea, it really true, it really does hurt others.
I hope you'll understand something from there,
one way or another.
& im glad I get to talk to you about certain things,
which we dont have a chance to do so.
& I also thanks you, for sharing yr problems to me.
Dont worry to much about work, its gona go smoothly, really.
Pei Wen:
You ultimate lah you.
You are forever eating whenever I see you.
& you never fail to have breakfast along with you e'vry morning.
Omg, i think im so gonnnnna gain weight if i hang out with you every single day.
Sillybunny, stop thinking ure gonna die just becos yr body is SO red.
Drink more water, and u'll be ok alr ya.
& stop working alr will you? Ns are just 1 month away, k.
you hur!
Thanks for hearing me whine, like always.
Thanks for bringing me to the bus stop, when i go meet the girls.
Thanks for teaching me math.
Thanks for being an idiot, idk why.
Thanks for the daily morning msg-es.
Thanks for the daily goodnight msg-es.
Thanks for all the understandings.
& lastly,
Thanks for being the sweetest and most heartfelt friend.
Hm, so im like finally donw with the shoutouts.
& even if i've no prelim papers tmr, i still had chem/bio mock paper tmr.
But i'm still gonna meet my girls tmrw anyway.
heee. (:
Friday, July 25, 2008

This is how my class hide from the teachers. With all doors and windows shut. How cute hur? (:
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A hymn of love,
According to Cher, i should have just gone to STC. HAHAH.
Our uniform was swapped. HAHH.
This are my all time favourites. (:

"You're my first, & last thoughts of the day."
Monday, July 21, 2008
Through tears and joy,
I'll trust in you
And I will live, in all of your ways
Your promises forever.
& i need to go for Intercessories realllly badly. ):
I'm really afraid of straying away.
& i hope it won't.
Monday. It's so not typical at all. (:
Dunearn's RHD today, & it turn out quite awesome!
I was shocked myself, to find myself in school, when ALL my friends are not going.
Yea, and my class is damn hell coooooolios.
Visited 3 Worship places, & i tried my very best not to be brainwashed! HAHA.
Esp when the Buddhist temple gave me a pamphlet reading, "Buddha, Loves You".
Yeah, it's sort of like a class bonding?
& it turns out super good w all the picpics. (:
I didnt like regret going for this thing la, really. Tho its kinda stupid.
& i think i'm starting to love Pearls. (:
Met St, Kj and Sq and left for Bukit Timah SS.
Had late lunch together.
Somehow, i slipped a long stircase, and sprained my ankle. ):
& like crumble down the flight of stairs, amazing huh.
So ya, after not hanging out for so long w all these ppl, i think i kinda miss them ALOT. (:
& yea, i was pissed.
Its just wrong info. Will it kill just to walk in the rain for 200 m?
Fine, i shall not do any criticism or commenting whatsoever,
cos i'll be using the exact same tongue, to worship the Lord.
So i'm just gonna forget about it, and not talk about it.
But it doenst mean, i admit i'm at fault. (:
I was realllllly pissed at first, plus my ankle hurts alot,
so i was like in the get-away-from-me mooood.
But somehow or rather, after meeting cherann & gapo, i was crazy again. (:
These two reallllly sweet ppl wanted to give me a surprise,
by coming to the sch to fetch me, so yea, i bus-ed back to sch and waited for them.
How cute lah! (:
187-ed down to BBP Starbuckkkks.
Had Muffffins, and do the usual stuffffs. (:
Left around 640, and Gapo acc us all the way to CCK.
Such a dear, isn't she?
These two sillybunny girls really made my day worth living. (:
Andreadear & Lorrainesweeeets, i miss you guys alot,
& i hope study sessions will be damn soooon! HEE.
Dinner was already ready for me when im home, as always.
Mummydear asked about my leg, & rolled her eyes. Like hurrr?
Hahhahaah, and so i just ended my convo with cherann. ):
KIC okay? (:
A little something before my monday ends,
I really think 4Pearl is coooolios. (:
This guy head's 4Pearl. Heh.
St. Andrew Cathedral.
Hello Sya, it's our first picture after 4 years. (:
Sunday, July 20, 2008
"Here without you" i'm listening now, which is damn random.
I hate, HATE this weeeek. Idk why either.
There's just too many things to handle.
And many WHYs?.
I cant possibly live like as if everything is going as smoothly as it seems to be.
Maybe cos im just being insensitive towards everything,
but i've already tried my best. Really.
Argh, neeway, I'm reallllly glad it's Sunday.
Get to seeee Priceless! & churchmatelovelies cum facils. (:
Painting! for group sharing? heh.
It was just 4 confirmants from Priceless who came? Plus Hil & Jemtham.
& whatever kay, i admit im slow. It's kind of inevitable luh hur.
" Blue+black " give me purple,
" Red+Blue " gives me pink,
& " yellow+green " give me light green.
That's how smart i am in colours. LAUGH all you want k.
Attended Mass with Usuals, Iris & co. & Facils. (:
Its was veryveryvery warm. Yes, really warm.
& i was silly-ling wearing long sleeve black, from top to bottom.
How smart are you, Sherry.
Yeaaap, & had lunch @ BBP, w Cherann,Lorr,GapoBFs. Weeeeee.
Gapo's place later for studying/cam-whore/desperatehousewives.
Ohwelllls, Cherrann leaves first, followed by mee, then Lorrr. (:
Gapo "cooked" nuggets & popiahs OK. hahah.
Had late dinner w family. (:
Jesus I believe in You
Jesus I belong to You
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing With all I am.

I'm like a bitch in St.Margs Uni, according to Cher.
But i think Garett's hot in my Unifrom tho. (:

The two 'must-need' people in life.
The three "must-need" people in life. (:
Hello Cher, she's a must-need too. HEH.
Bye, I'm going to do reflections now.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
On a random statement:
I misssssss,
Didnt get to meet cherann and garett. ):
Cos of orals and schwooooorks.
Okays, its gonna be damn busy and hectic for us.
2 more weeeeeeks to prelim, & its not cool at all.
It high time to start doing hardcore revision sherrrry.
& chercher, dont be so streeeeessed abt yr schwork orkay?
ure so damn smart la, COMPARED to me. HAHA.
& garettlove, ure gonnna do damn well for yr Malay B oral yeah.
Tho i know you sucked at conversations. (: heh
AND, i missssed studying w Andrealove and Lorrrainetweets. ):
sweetest naey, ilove (:
Monday, July 14, 2008
I believe that everything happens for a reason. People changes so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you learn to appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself and sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.
- Marilyn Monroe
Sunday, July 13, 2008
and should take life as it comes at us. (:
Sunday, the favourite day of the week. (:
730am mass with family.
Post con lessons thereafter, "Transformers" was the theme.
Group sharing is somehow inspiring, & also the gospel homily.
It's like it totally relates? yeah
Attended mass with the usual loves and cabbed down to TW.
Cousin's birthday.
Totally forgotten, & i had to PS Cherann & Garett. ):
Sorrrrrry hur.
Celebration was ok, it just tooo many kids around.
I've really got to touch up on my chem, which is what im going to do later,
& wait for dearest cherann to ring me up after work.
Dude! haha.
I LOVE, talking to you till the middle of the night.
I LOVE, to annoy you when you are already annoyed.
& I LOVEEEEE to hear you grumble about life. HAHA.
Yeah, cher, be strong alright, i'll like support you in anything you do,
or decide to do orkay? (:
&&&&& you're the cutest _____ on earth! Right G?
Heh (:
You're like one of the nicest persons ever to appear in my life.
I love how you brighten up my day, buy just "fuyan-ing" me.
Nevertheless, thanks for bring such a dear all these while. (:
& i'm like v honoured to be in yr top five, babe.
I'm always be there for you if ya need me orkay?
(: love.
Love one another,
as i have love you John 15:12
Thursday, July 10, 2008
You stepped down into darkness.
Opened my eyes, let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me
Believe it or not, i'm sick again. ):
Met Garett @ CCK interchange.
Waited for Cherann, & slacked.
NorthVale Condo, to slack AGAIN.
Waited for Pat to come, and it rain.
WII-ed @ Pat's place.
Alright, boxing is damn funny lah. heh.
& Pat's mummy is uber niceeee. (:
Home at 8pm.
Chinese revision. shitsssxxz.
Tomorrow, meeting girlies again. (: (: (:
Maybe Mass in the evening? :D
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Glad i had 2 lovely girlies to send me to the bus stop after classes. (:
Accompanied chercher to poly, with Garetttheee.
Super uber ultra tireds now.
& i need truckload of sleeep.
urgh, f. FNNS. TSKKKK.
It gonna be really tiring tmrw. HECTIC.
FNNs after daily class, & nball trg.
Hopefully i get to see my girls tmw. (:
I dont find life a torture, instead, i find life's a gift.
Cos there's people there, worthy for me to live for. (:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
& i have to! (: Positive.
Family loveeeee <3
Monday, July 7, 2008
that a man lay down his lis life for his friends." John 15:13
Fantabulous weekend, i had. Plus alittle of havoc. (:
Could'nt wake up for post-con lessons, again.
& again, it was cherann who called me up. heh
Mass after lessons w the SJC girlies & facils.
Lunch thereafter with BFF Garett and Cherann.
Subbbbby. (:
Cherann's place to study/slack.
Being around with them is like totally enough to fill my weekend. (:
Troy taught me the guitar! & we talked ALOT in cher's room.
I thot i've known them for a 100 years alr. Heh
Talked and had lunch/dinner @ her place.
Pasta w cheeeeeeezzzee. Baked by cher's mummmmmy.
Cherrrrann bathe and got change for her BBQ, which G and I hoped she would cancel.
But yeah, she didnt lahhhh! ):
Parted and i cabbed back to Palm's while G's off to meet Pat first.
They've got Vodka babeyyy! & cigs.
Garett and Pat came to Palms around 7?
Slacked at the no-one-goes playground to drink/fag.
Garett was busy coping other's connection?
Fagged w Pat and talked. (:
Started drinking and yeah. I was gone after 20 mins.
Chercher came thereafter and drank tgether.
Cher really had i hard time stabling me. Thanks hur.
Called Sherng to fetch me and back to Palms after drinking Tea.
Hangover the next day, which my head really hurts. ):
Called Cher, and the two sillies came @ 2.
Slack and left @ 5?
& omgosh, i think chercher's friend, Carolyn, is damn hell preeeetaye.
Cher and G left to meet Pat.
I cant lah, cos im going off to JB. ):
Well, anw, i hope these 3 girls will be fine huh.
Cher, G, Pat:
I hope you guys are feeeeeeeling much better already yea?
I'm like really sorry for that day, causing so much trouble to you guys.
& trying so hard to shut my mouth. & thanks ALOT for taking care huh.
yeah, i really had fun, tho it was crazy. (:
Take much careeeee, drink much water & see you guys real soooon ya?
Before tuesday begins,

BFF GarettAnnOcampo! (:
Cherann's 170cm. Goodness.
BFF CherAnnKaelaValberg! (:
I miss you Lorraine. You saw that? (:
Just a little note for you guys:
I'm sorry for M.I.A-ing. Yea, but deep down, i really love you guys.
& I'm fine.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Time of your life - Green Day
Lord with all my heart I worship You
All I have within me
I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord have Your way in me
These five days seems never ending, but thank god, it has finally ended.
Tho sch days was helllll tiring, it was worth it.

These two sweets are darn cute lah hur. (:
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Say it again - Marie Digby
there i would always be..
I miss ALOT of ppl.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tonight - FM Static
Just ended my talk with cherann on the phone.
yeah, cheerup BFF!
ohwell, being on the line with cher every night have become a daily routine.
i'll feel like rather weird if we didnt call each other la. Right BFF? (:
Sch wasn't great.
Took Gform and left sch around 9am. SICK. ):
Was having fluandcough. Went to the doc's & aunt's place to rest.
The medicine has side effects that made my whole body shiver, ALOT.
Esp my hands and teeth, GRRRRRRR.
Met BFF cher and garett @ Palm's poolside.
Talked ALOT, as usual. Yeah, meeting each other everyday has also become a daily routine.
I SERIOUSLY cant stand a day w/o meeting all these sweet people. (:
As cherann said " meeting them completes my day ".
How true.
Sweetsss left around 6.
HAHAHHA, & i hugged Garett thru the railings. hmmm
Had dinner there & went home @ 10.
&&&& i'm still considering whether i shld go sch tmr. ):
There's CHEM & MATH. How can i skip? ARRRGH
Plans for tmrw wasnt fixed yet.
Maybe evening mass after sch? Yupppppp (:
Just a little something before i sleeeeeeeeep,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Blind - Lifehouse
they're simply amazing and can totally relate to each other.
& also letting me know so many new people who are so damn nice,
who dont judge, & would stay by you like always.
Con camp people, i thank alot,
& for the greatest people i had, you know who you guys are huh. (:
Blind from Lifehouse came thru my mind damn randomly.
Right Cher? (:
N level Eng Oral today.
I thought i did, ' okay '.
yeah, both examiners are nice la. (:
Ended by 430pm and 188-ed down to CCK.
Met Cherann, Garett and Lorraine @ Macs.
Apparently they were studying? Hm.
Cherann and I sms-ed Pat to come too, and yeah.
Had a talk @ Mac w Cher and Pat while BFF Garett and Lorraine left first. ):
yeah, hanged around and left @ 630.
I swear i had really wonderful friends luh. (:
Got home, bathe and went to CCKCC to play Badminton w family.
Hell tired!
Lesssons tmrw will seem forever again. ):
Hopefully i could meet up with the BFFs again yea?
& may god bless those ppl taking Oral tmrw huh.
For God has plans for us,
We should leave it up to him.
Theres a reason for everything that happens.