"Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his lis life for his friends." John 15:13
that a man lay down his lis life for his friends." John 15:13
Fantabulous weekend, i had. Plus alittle of havoc. (:
Could'nt wake up for post-con lessons, again.
& again, it was cherann who called me up. heh
Mass after lessons w the SJC girlies & facils.
Lunch thereafter with BFF Garett and Cherann.
Subbbbby. (:
Cherann's place to study/slack.
Being around with them is like totally enough to fill my weekend. (:
Troy taught me the guitar! & we talked ALOT in cher's room.
I thot i've known them for a 100 years alr. Heh
Talked and had lunch/dinner @ her place.
Pasta w cheeeeeeezzzee. Baked by cher's mummmmmy.
Cherrrrann bathe and got change for her BBQ, which G and I hoped she would cancel.
But yeah, she didnt lahhhh! ):
Parted and i cabbed back to Palm's while G's off to meet Pat first.
They've got Vodka babeyyy! & cigs.
Garett and Pat came to Palms around 7?
Slacked at the no-one-goes playground to drink/fag.
Garett was busy coping other's connection?
Fagged w Pat and talked. (:
Started drinking and yeah. I was gone after 20 mins.
Chercher came thereafter and drank tgether.
Cher really had i hard time stabling me. Thanks hur.
Called Sherng to fetch me and back to Palms after drinking Tea.
Hangover the next day, which my head really hurts. ):
Called Cher, and the two sillies came @ 2.
Slack and left @ 5?
& omgosh, i think chercher's friend, Carolyn, is damn hell preeeetaye.
Cher and G left to meet Pat.
I cant lah, cos im going off to JB. ):
Well, anw, i hope these 3 girls will be fine huh.
Cher, G, Pat:
I hope you guys are feeeeeeeling much better already yea?
I'm like really sorry for that day, causing so much trouble to you guys.
& trying so hard to shut my mouth. & thanks ALOT for taking care huh.
yeah, i really had fun, tho it was crazy. (:
Take much careeeee, drink much water & see you guys real soooon ya?
Before tuesday begins,

BFF GarettAnnOcampo! (:
Cherann's 170cm. Goodness.
BFF CherAnnKaelaValberg! (:
I miss you Lorraine. You saw that? (:
Just a little note for you guys:
I'm sorry for M.I.A-ing. Yea, but deep down, i really love you guys.
& I'm fine.