Flashbacks from the previous post. (:
1/3 of St. John. HAHA
But i really love 'em hurrrzzz.
We were really tired on the 2nd day,
cos lights out was like at 130am.
So yeah, bff G is right below me, but we just have to be funny.
& squeeze on a bed. See how cute she can be. HAHA.

Ok, i really has no idea what i was trying to do.
Cos the area was so small, that i had to do this.
& it was friggggin colddd in our room.
Bff C was super annoying.
Just cos she's tired, she refuses to smile properly, & make me look like an idiot.
Look at how smallll her eyes are.
What do you think? (:
P.S Tomorrows the day.