If i'm not wrong, monday would be the last day of NY.
Ohwell, i can't wait for monday, for school & to see granny.
At least school's better than home, literally.
I was contemplating whether or not to shift over to granny's place.
Home is too distracting. Peace at home wasn't constant.
I'm getting to feel irrritated from home. For certain reasons, i guess.
I miss prawning with s,c,& j.
Reaching home only after 3am. SIGGGGGGHHHH.
But my mind's clear that i don't miss work. (:
I'm glad i'm studying instead.
Sadly, my eyes rejects acuvue. & i gotta stay w my current contacts. ):
" your astigmatism could make you a blind person at night " quoted by some guy who checks my eyes.
HAHA. True enough, i'm really night blind w/o glasses.
Tuesday will be doom's day. (: