Chalet on the 21st.
Pretty cool. But i look super shag.
Cuz of monster flu, that made my face look really bad.
& round reddy nose. Zzz

Illya Dominic Goh. 11 years of friends and still going....
Rockon man.
& i didn't touch a tincy-wincy bit of alcohol. (:
Slept for 2 hours and left at 9 for 11am mass.
Didn't get to reach home till it was aroud 3... aaargh.
Get a little sleep before heading to Peiwen's place for housewarming.
& virtually sleeeping all there way there.
School's started, not going well,
but still on the making. I really wana do well for Midyears,
Cuz my first term was utter crap. I can, and its a must.
p/s: Matt Giraud from season 8's damn good.