easing my guilt for going out too much the past week.
all that's left is bio and fnn theory.
wellzzzz, part of it is cause of Survivor XVIII off satellite telecast at 2pm.
that, is seriously driving me nut the whole week,
making me blarrday anxious to knows who's voted out next!
Relieved! to see Coach gone. (:
Finale of Mondayyyyyyy! CAN"T WAIT MAN.
Got da overdue piccas from Jojo. Since a blog can't do w/o pictures.
It may boreeeeeeee readers...

This boy is murderous ok.
I've got loads more. Never knew sym would have so much oldies.
& it's super funny la.
I think i'll upload one or two every post.
Will be super fun.
My mum once told me i was near 120 pounds when i'm 11.
Will be super fun.
My mum once told me i was near 120 pounds when i'm 11.
Thats pretty cool and unbelievable. CEH MAN! (: