you dont need me to spell it out.
im totally not, not interested kay.
just go do whatever you want, idontcare.
I just realised, tmrw's Tuesday.
Which is N level Eng Oral. Like omgggg.
I dont know. Garett had hers today, & i hope everything will go well hur?
Yeap, i'll just leave it up to God. (:
School was just like any other day,
which seems never ending.
I dont even understand a shit about Probability laaaaaa.
Lessons ended @ 2pm.
190-ed down to town, to meet BFF Garett and Cherann.
BFF Lorraine and Andrea couldnt make it lah! ):
But anw, lunch @ TAKA w the girlies and talked. ALOT .
Left around 530 to meet Pat at CCK interchange.
Slacked @ Pat's Condo, till 7plus and train-ed home.
YES, the most upsetting thing,
Though i was positive against Spain, i still want the Germans to win laaaa ):
Alright, whats over, is over.
& Yeah, EURO08 Title goes to SPAIN. (:
To each of his/her owns.
Everyone has their problems.
But i believe God will guide us/them thru. (:
Before Tuesday begins tmr,

♥ ♥