I guess i've rested enough.
& i've really got ALOTALOT of things to say, & to stress about.
Just like 5 days ago, i'm like damn reluctant for church, or for camp.
& i feel the repel now. Like totally different.
I felt like a total changed person & fresh. (: GREAT!
Con camp stretches for threeeeeeee days, which i feel its damn SHORT! ):
Priceless is my con camp group. (:
& its damn amazing. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE Priceless Please.
With Antonia and Iwan as our group Facils.
I swearrrrrrr Iwan's damn hell funnayyyyy.
& yeah, praise and worship is my damn hell FAV moment. Like damned?
I had never thought P&W could be so strong and like so spiritual?
Presense of the holy spirit can be felt and love is around. (:
By the 3rd day, the whole lot of us was like jumping as we were singing, "One Way, Jesus".
Another thing to stress about is the bond we share.
Before con camp, we were damn obviously in cliques. yeah.
But like after con camp, we were no longer in clique and were like hugging each and other.
Esp on the second night, we actually prayed together & squeeeeezed and slept together.
Its so dammmmmned cool, i swear!
It was like a bond, i had neverrr ever experienced before.
& this is something, i can never forget, for the rest of my life?
Tons of things have been running through my mind ever since camp ended.
I felt omgosh guilty for not commiting myself to church for my whole 15 years.
Today is the fifteenth, which is also our Confirmation Day.
I;ve never been so happpppy before, like seriously.
I was like almost in tears like upon recieving my cerificate of confirmation.
Thanks god, and praise god. & there are also 57 more people walking this journey with me.
Which i thanks alot. Alot.
Hahahhahahahahaha, & yeah, after massss, WE rushed over to the other building for photo-taking. With 100 over people plus all the service team members. (:
& also with the girlies and PRICELESS.
There are like ALOT of photos taken lahhhhhh!
ohwellls, had lunch with family, aunties and cousins to cel.
Cousin Symeon was also confirmed. :D
Kayzz, i'm g'na post-pictures. (:
& i've really got ALOTALOT of things to say, & to stress about.
Just like 5 days ago, i'm like damn reluctant for church, or for camp.
& i feel the repel now. Like totally different.
I felt like a total changed person & fresh. (: GREAT!
Con camp stretches for threeeeeeee days, which i feel its damn SHORT! ):
Priceless is my con camp group. (:
& its damn amazing. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE Priceless Please.
With Antonia and Iwan as our group Facils.
I swearrrrrrr Iwan's damn hell funnayyyyy.
& yeah, praise and worship is my damn hell FAV moment. Like damned?
I had never thought P&W could be so strong and like so spiritual?
Presense of the holy spirit can be felt and love is around. (:
By the 3rd day, the whole lot of us was like jumping as we were singing, "One Way, Jesus".
Another thing to stress about is the bond we share.
Before con camp, we were damn obviously in cliques. yeah.
But like after con camp, we were no longer in clique and were like hugging each and other.
Esp on the second night, we actually prayed together & squeeeeezed and slept together.
Its so dammmmmned cool, i swear!
It was like a bond, i had neverrr ever experienced before.
& this is something, i can never forget, for the rest of my life?
Tons of things have been running through my mind ever since camp ended.
I felt omgosh guilty for not commiting myself to church for my whole 15 years.
Today is the fifteenth, which is also our Confirmation Day.
I;ve never been so happpppy before, like seriously.
I was like almost in tears like upon recieving my cerificate of confirmation.
Thanks god, and praise god. & there are also 57 more people walking this journey with me.
Which i thanks alot. Alot.
Hahahhahahahahaha, & yeah, after massss, WE rushed over to the other building for photo-taking. With 100 over people plus all the service team members. (:
& also with the girlies and PRICELESS.
There are like ALOT of photos taken lahhhhhh!
ohwellls, had lunch with family, aunties and cousins to cel.
Cousin Symeon was also confirmed. :D
Kayzz, i'm g'na post-pictures. (:

A note for the girlies:
Cherann, Garett & Lorraine,
I loveeeee you three & i miss you guys right now!
Pray and seek god yeah. (: LLLLOVE