Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Spent half the day @ Illya's place after teachers' day cel.
Cherannnnxzxz fetch me up from sch, and cabbed to Illya's place.
Finallllly, my 2 Besttties met up, & it was really good.
Its a pity garett cant come, or else i could really die w/o regrets.
Catholic seminar in the evening @ AMK.
Speaker was everfavourite Fr. Joachim. (:
And i forgo baybeat cos of it. (:
Today's fine.
Met cherannnxzx and Kat! @ CCK.
& bus down together to church to meet Andrea and Co.
Slacked awhile, and Rail Mall Ah Mei for 'teabreak'. (:
Camwhore @ busstop, and back to church.
Attended mass and back to sherng place to do bday cel stuff.
cooooooolios lah, the vids.
Ohwells, on a lighter note,
to my new friend, Abigail Yeo. (:
Hhahhaha, super sweets lah huh.
And to Katkat,
you so cute la, hhahha.
thanks for 'beautifying' my new baby yeah.
Cherkae Val,
thanks for being there like always,
and sharing my sentiments about, yeah.
hig huggggs for you.
seeyou tmr la, hahhaha.
love you like how you love yr physics book. (:
& to you, garett,
no doubt, i'm kinda upset,
but you know, its not angry, its just a disappointed feeling.
so yeah, as i have said before, no matter what happens,
you'll always have my back to rely on &
i still love you and you'reforever my sweetest bff.
just really take good care of yeself, and stick close to yr books.
i'll always pray for the better for you,
cos i reallyreallyreally want you to be happy. (:
to end,
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008
As well as its Rachel's 16th.
Skipppped school today. And it felt gooood.
So i like woke up at 10, saw hilary's msg and decided to go down to Crescent.
Got changed into uniform, went back to sch to collect some stuff,
and got a lift to Redhill Station. (:
Took a bus down to meet the rest at crescent girls'.
Ohwell, saw Rachel and shes really shocked to see me tho. yeah.
Sang her a song, and then off to fetch cherann from st. marg
Rachel, Samantha and Hilary went as well, as they had no plans.
So yeah, took a bus down, WALK ALOT anyway.
& met CHERRRRR! at Raffles Town Club.
Bus all the way down to Lot 1.
Cher tried likeeee a gazilllion times to call Pat to wake up.
I so really wana kill her mannnnn.
Met Joycelyn and Iris at Lot 1.
& then Mark outside Northvale Gate.
So like initially there was only like Cher, Pat, G, and I meeting each other.
But then it became a big group as they joined us.
So yeah, it was like my first time hanging out with Rachel and Co.
Reached there, ate the liquor like cake and took photosssssss. (:
Called Pat again, as well as GARETT OCAMPO.
Kinda cool as everyones in different uniforms.
& the last surprise was, Kathleeeen! (:
Rush home to bath and off for movie with family.
14 people, occupying the whole row.
Thats really coolios.
See how nice Moma is to me.
She says i needa watch a movie to relieve stress,
and she called my aunts and cousins to join.
How cute laaaaaaa!
so yeah, i hasn't seen huns for a day alr. ):
& i doubt we'll get to meet up tmr even so.
Cos im like skipping sch again.
♥ for you la.
Happy 16th Birthday, Rachel Chng!! (:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Prelims are reallyreally badly done.
Ohwell lah, outburst season.
I'm so going to study like a sucker,
& im afraid i wont have sufficient time for the girlies.
Official papers are gna begin in 2 weeks.
So hell dead, i swear.
A million of thanks to Moma.
She didnt stressed me or rant at me for failing my papers.
She referred me to the doctor in her clinic instead (?)
How cute lah.
Finally to my Dearest BFF Garettann,
Nothing or no-one can take over your place in my heart, as a friend.
As and always you will be. No matter what. (:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hahah and im so proud of her and i hope it made an
impact on your life today(: She went for mass after that
but she sat with her mommy while i sat with my daddy.
Appreciation dinner for the people who helped out on the
feast day but before that i was being violent and i kept
wrestling everyone and i bullied Sherry . Hahaah im
sorry ): . Anyway during dinner we took as much food as
possible and there wasnt enough space on the table
so we had to keep pilling it up. Hahaha and sherry didnt
want to eat the choc cos she was scared she'll put on weight -.-
but she isnt so she shouldnt worry ! (: She left with her
daddy later ....
Sherry Chia my dear bff from pri school.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008

Bestest, Garett & Cherann

Loves took 67 and left around 9plus.
Jo and chersee came to fetch me in a cab. <3
Went over to chersee's place to stay trg with Jo & Sherlyn. (:
Revised ABIT of math, & watched Romeo & Juliet.
HAHA. Slept at 3am with Jo.
Alcohol party cum BBQ cum National Day Cel cum Chersee's Bday!!!
Woke up damndamndamn early, &went home for tuition.
Cabbed back to chersee's place to help me clean up her place before the party.
Left for TenMile to get food and charcoal etc.
We hurried back and set up BBQ stuffs. (:
Moppppppped the floor and set up the alcohols.

1/4 of everything. (:

A reallyreallyreally bad one.
Couldnt wake up on time for mass.
Felt reallyreally bad. ):
Woke up at 2 and washed up.
Sherlyn, Jo, Chersee and I went KFC for lunch laaaaah.
Weird cravings.
Vomited out everything afterwhich. ):
Went back to Sherlyn's place for a rest,
and cabbed down to Westmall for Qianhui/Murni BBQ bday party.
yeah. Left around 8 and cabbed back.
Did abit of study after bathing and had a long talk with ____ on msn.
Disappointed at the same time angry.
Ohwell. Left at 3am.
Awesome lah.
Didnt study, AT ALL.
How great. I wana studyyyyy, but something just blocked it.
I really depressed. veryvery. ):
Ahma went to see doc, and was told to go for x-ray.
& when everthings becoming really bad,
the one thing that come to my mind, was intercessory.
Like seriously. I need intercessory really badly now. ):
Lord God, Grant me strengh.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
jealous or conceited or proud; 1 Cor 13:4
Ohman, tmr's Monday alr. ):
Prelim's going on, study break, N levels. How cool.
& i don't see myself doing serious revision yet.
It's quite inevitable that i wouldn't be having exams blues now.
Gosh, i neeeed more time. Cos im gona have a mental breakdown soon.
Ohwelll, i'm just gona like hang on there.
& im not ready to give it up so soon anyway. (:
With sufficient revision and sleeeeeeep, i believe im gona make it.
Its just two months away from FREEE.
So im like gonnnna study really hard, reallllyreally.
I'm so not gona regret only after i've got my results. (:
Even so, tmr's monday, my sunday has beeeen really good.
Didnt wana wake up for growth, but cher's annoying calls woke me. (:
& im glad i woke up. Cos its like the last session. yeah, LAST after 10years.
Cherlove, Lorrainedear and I was slightly late.
Topic of discussion today was " Bible Study ".
Ok, im so gona learn to read a bible, properllllly.
Cos i am a super sucker at that, and thats reallly sad.
Priceless was the ultimate babey,
Antonia came! Kris came this weeeek too.
& i loveeeeee val's bible, damn uber sweeets. (:
Finallly, theres a couple of minutes for P&W.
Goshhh, i missed P&Ws.
Attended 11am mass tgt with the peoples.
Went back to the AVA room after mass, to arrange back the chairs.
& the weather is HOTHOTHOT. I was perspiring like an animal.
& i dont like that. ):
Whatever la, the weather. Global warming alert.
Had photos taken with Pat, for the first time. With cherann.
Pat keft wth Kris thereafter for family.
Had lunch tgt with Kanektas' at Rail Mall and bused to CCK to meet Randy.
Initial plan was Sentosa, kay whatever, sorry Lynnnn! ):
But changed to KAP instead, cos the weather was too killling.
Studied there & cabbed back around 9pm.
Yes, my dear father is ranting at me now, for slamming the door.
I don't know what is his problem, prolly menopause, idk.
But he is really like a mad horse.
But whatever it is, i've alr calm down, so im not gona curse or swear at him.
Instead, i'll just pray for a better tomorrow. (:
Prelim paper is going on tmr.
I need sleeep, but its virtually impossible.
Im gona read ALOT of chinese materials, like ALOT.
To make up for my flunk-ed MT oral. urgh.

Tho the whole weeeek, including today, we didnt met at all,
pls remember that i'll always be there for you. Whichever time of the day.
Having a strong bond between us doesnt have to meet everyday.
Its on our hearts. Daily prayers will always have a slot for you,
& i believe you are not drifting at all.
God still has an important place in yr heart, for sure.
Its just that theres too much things u've to handle in yr personal life.
Garettlove, trust in the Lord, and do what you think is right.
Do not care what others think or label you as.
To me, you're an awesome individual,
& i'll definitely support you in your future endeavours.
No matter what. So take care, & i really hope to see you soon.
Study hard and iloveyou. (: