Spent half the day @ Illya's place after teachers' day cel.
Cherannnnxzxz fetch me up from sch, and cabbed to Illya's place.
Finallllly, my 2 Besttties met up, & it was really good.
Its a pity garett cant come, or else i could really die w/o regrets.
Catholic seminar in the evening @ AMK.
Speaker was everfavourite Fr. Joachim. (:
And i forgo baybeat cos of it. (:
Today's fine.
Met cherannnxzx and Kat! @ CCK.
& bus down together to church to meet Andrea and Co.
Slacked awhile, and Rail Mall Ah Mei for 'teabreak'. (:
Camwhore @ busstop, and back to church.
Attended mass and back to sherng place to do bday cel stuff.
cooooooolios lah, the vids.
Ohwells, on a lighter note,
to my new friend, Abigail Yeo. (:
Hhahhaha, super sweets lah huh.
And to Katkat,
you so cute la, hhahha.
thanks for 'beautifying' my new baby yeah.
Cherkae Val,
thanks for being there like always,
and sharing my sentiments about, yeah.
hig huggggs for you.
seeyou tmr la, hahhaha.
love you like how you love yr physics book. (:
& to you, garett,
no doubt, i'm kinda upset,
but you know, its not angry, its just a disappointed feeling.
so yeah, as i have said before, no matter what happens,
you'll always have my back to rely on &
i still love you and you'reforever my sweetest bff.
just really take good care of yeself, and stick close to yr books.
i'll always pray for the better for you,
cos i reallyreallyreally want you to be happy. (:
to end,