It took quite awhile for me to find peace today.
& i did.
Plans for Sunday was cancelled, cos of you.
And so i went for session at the Stable instead.
Was supposed to skip sesssion today, but i think everythings all planned out for me.
GARETT & LORRAINE came to look for me at the room.
Sweeetest garett made cher and I cupcakes, which are damn nice. (:
& i superduber hyper miss Lorraine, & im gald i saw her (finally) today. (:
Ohwellll lah, left immediately after session,
& took a ride from Gina.
Went CCK to have lunch,
& met garett at the 3rd storey.
Met her again at the near entrance before she went home, again.
SAW each other though 190 and Gina's car AGAIN.
How cooooooolioz is that. (:
This is call afffffinity.
Went back home for some reflection and quiet time.
& so sorry cher, i cant go Northvale with you.
Maybe next time yea? (:
Great lah, Grandma's 80th big bday is coming.
& i had to rehearse my lines.
& many things to prepare,
& i needa study.
Omygosh, i running out of time lah. ):
But im still looking forward to one thing,
meeting cher and garett on tuesday laseh. (:
Hosanna in the highest.