I met H on the bus today. omgomgomgomgomg. whateverrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hi, if u see this.
I know it's whiny but i'm still affected by my stranded ipod.
I hate long bus rides without my dearest musics.
especially when my way from home to school is an hour and a half in the mornings.
The worst part is, my classes ends almost at 5pm or longer everyday,
& i have to endure the stuffy and squeezy 188, w/o ipod somemore.
So annoying. Omgosh, heart damn pain my 225bucks just flew away like that.
I feel x-tremy demoralised.
The classroom whiteboard writes, '89 days' today.
It's really depressing to see it decreasing each day.
Whatmore is i still got a load of work still foreign to me.
I'm so dead. I think my school's double-tutorial study program is not working on me.