while she sound really damn bad singing live. So weird.
So i finally uploaded photos that i wanted to longlong time ago.
& so i did today! (: Very random ones. Thanks to class phototaking today.
That urged me to faster upload files. heh.
HAHA, Cheryl. This was a month++ ago.
AES toilet somemore. miss u bff. (:

Concrete F&N coursework evidence. hurhur.
This is extremely killing and time consuming. Rights Kar?
But still, we'll camwhore after mugging. Typical. (:

Freaking funny, had class phototaking today.
& after that, we've got out 'own' phototaking time.
For graduating nite. HAHA.
We zomgoshly don't look like 17and18-s with uniforms.
Anyhoooow, i love'em.