Its nice to resume blogging, sometimes.
But blogger irritates me and i wana change to prolly tumblr.
After MCQs tomorrow, O's are finally done.
Tho its like super draggy and long,
its not as bad as i thought it would be. (:
& im freaking looking forward for the weeeeeeek!
Wed would be with Andrea for disussion,
Thur would be the salon & Queeeeensway,
Fri would be towntowntowntowntown!
Sat is the MAX! OLDCLIQUE STEAMBOAT! omgomgomgomg.
Freaking can't wait for Sat! (:
Alright man,
i'm gona fulfil all my to-do list made before the exams.
It a major motivational tool for me eh.
Its quite kiddy tho, if u were to see the actual foolscap paper.
My mum mocked at my list.
Cos the first one was: TAEKWONDO!
I'm dead serious. But, not taek anymore! Its kick-boxing.
Im gona start lesssssons soon. HEHEHEHEHEH.
I'm quite fickle...
The list has been adited like ? times.
& i wana gyming, swimming, TANNING and cycling!
Since June i haven been exercising & its pretty bad.
HHHAHAH. 22Nov. I needa go hone skilllls w the girls
OMG 1 year never touch.
& then its prom-py.
Forgot the date. Around 2o plus Nov.
Another headache.
I still can't wait till SAT!