Then we'll learn to cherish.
Isn't it a tragedy?
Putting that aside, this sunday was quite well spent.
Quality Family Time.
As well as massive catching ups with G and C. (:
11am Mass with Family, which is damn great.
Had a brief talk with Antonia and Co. at church.
& lunch with Garett and Cher at the usual Rail Mall. ♥
Had subway, & talked like there's no tomorrow.
& I wannnna present you 1/2 of my BFFs,
Garett Ocam and Cher Valb. ♥
Cos i've reallly massive nice/unglam pickchars of them. HAHAH.
Cheryl Ann Kaela V.
Garett Ann P.O.
I reallyreallyREALLLEY love my BFFs.
As usuall, we'll miss tons of 67,
& crap nonsense to each another.
G mentioned Genting.
C mention Langkawi, i think. Super helllllo lame.
Theresa dear msg-ed us and kinda arranged to meet on Wed for dinner.
I think that really sweet, & CherV is arranging. MMmmm.
Of cos together with Anton and G!
& the other 1/2 of the BFFs are having O's. ):
Ohwell, it'll all get better in time. ♥
Steamboat together with Family.
Uberrrrrrr nice.
Nua-ed at Cher See's bed. & watch a realllly stupid show.
Supposed to be at K now, but it's really ex and changed it to Thurs instead.
Ladies night. (:
But the sad thing is, there's work tomorrow.
& i'mm super reluctant to go.
29 more days to ♥