What does it really takes to be determined?
Cos every accomplishment, starts with the determination to try.
Ohkay whatever.
So i'mm super free today, so i went to sherlyn's place. HAHA.
Technically, i was supposed to be there to go visit ahma, but then,
i ended up spending 3 hours tanning with Josephine Ong! at Palm's Poolside.
Cos the sun was effing helllllo good.
Hearts-to-hearts talk. (:
Steamboat at home.
To clear up all food stock as there were really tooooo much food.
Rail Mall with Randy and Mess for a drink.
&& i'mm still hesitating on what to wear on Monday.
GRRRR. It's gona be the first day of work @ Republic Poly.
The staff there are all different from last year, and i really hope to adapt well. ):
Hardcore Shopping again with Chersee tmr!
Can't wait.
& next week, my dear Garett will be free, that means we are gona meet!
Really soon. Prolly i'll reserve th whole of next week for the girls.
Hope Lorraine could quickly join us after her O's. ♥
As for now,
Prison Break, ♥
38 more days to ♥