Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009

How beautiful is your, UNFAILING LOVE.
So like i'm back from SFA con-camp at SJC.
Thank goodness GAMES went smoothly and for the awesome weather.. (:
Games Head, Andreapangpang really did an amazing job!
Hahaha, was really great to be able to plan games with my dear andrea.
It went well tho it was just a two-man comm. (:
Its my second time fac-ing and its AHAVA (Love in Hebrew).
The kids really made me feel so appreciated lah!
Really opened up and all. Really thank god.
Tho it was really tiring to take up double roles, its
really heartening after everything. (:
Really bonded w the kids, tho its only 3 short days,
& i barely know them. Can't wait for their confi on sun!
Gotta go do up their gifts!!! (:
I really love Cheryl & Andrea.
We're so gonna be friends forever.
This camp really brought my friendship w Andrea to a higher level..
Planning games, fac-ing and all.
Our similar experiences during camp and so really la!
Feel so blessed to have them w me. <3
& also not forgetting service team ppl.
That made the camp possible. (:
My dear babies <3

Love x10000 for these two dears

Games Team! <3

My Pride and Joy, Amanda. <3

Crashers at the back!

Pillow Talk! <3


Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Its nice to resume blogging, sometimes.
But blogger irritates me and i wana change to prolly tumblr.
After MCQs tomorrow, O's are finally done.
Tho its like super draggy and long,
its not as bad as i thought it would be. (:
& im freaking looking forward for the weeeeeeek!
Wed would be with Andrea for disussion,
Thur would be the salon & Queeeeensway,
Fri would be towntowntowntowntown!
Sat is the MAX! OLDCLIQUE STEAMBOAT! omgomgomgomg.
Freaking can't wait for Sat! (:
Alright man,
i'm gona fulfil all my to-do list made before the exams.
It a major motivational tool for me eh.
Its quite kiddy tho, if u were to see the actual foolscap paper.
My mum mocked at my list.
Cos the first one was: TAEKWONDO!
I'm dead serious. But, not taek anymore! Its kick-boxing.
Im gona start lesssssons soon. HEHEHEHEHEH.
I'm quite fickle...
The list has been adited like ? times.
& i wana gyming, swimming, TANNING and cycling!
Since June i haven been exercising & its pretty bad.
HHHAHAH. 22Nov. I needa go hone skilllls w the girls
OMG 1 year never touch.
& then its prom-py.
Forgot the date. Around 2o plus Nov.
Another headache.
I still can't wait till SAT!
But blogger irritates me and i wana change to prolly tumblr.
After MCQs tomorrow, O's are finally done.
Tho its like super draggy and long,
its not as bad as i thought it would be. (:
& im freaking looking forward for the weeeeeeek!
Wed would be with Andrea for disussion,
Thur would be the salon & Queeeeensway,
Fri would be towntowntowntowntown!
Sat is the MAX! OLDCLIQUE STEAMBOAT! omgomgomgomg.
Freaking can't wait for Sat! (:
Alright man,
i'm gona fulfil all my to-do list made before the exams.
It a major motivational tool for me eh.
Its quite kiddy tho, if u were to see the actual foolscap paper.
My mum mocked at my list.
Cos the first one was: TAEKWONDO!
I'm dead serious. But, not taek anymore! Its kick-boxing.
Im gona start lesssssons soon. HEHEHEHEHEH.
I'm quite fickle...
The list has been adited like ? times.
& i wana gyming, swimming, TANNING and cycling!
Since June i haven been exercising & its pretty bad.
HHHAHAH. 22Nov. I needa go hone skilllls w the girls
OMG 1 year never touch.
& then its prom-py.
Forgot the date. Around 2o plus Nov.
Another headache.
I still can't wait till SAT!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Is it just me or what?
Maybe im not worth it.
I hate this
Im losing the inner to the physical self.
I seriously need a reality check.
At least studying could keep my mind of things,
but what happens after that?
I've got plenty of time to drown myself in self-pity.
I reallllly reallly feel damn bad now.
I hate this.
My disease is just acting up once in a while..
It will die out by tomorrow.
So i just needed a space to vent it out.
& it'll probably erupt again some months later.
I hate today. Very very much. Period!
Maybe im not worth it.
I hate this
Im losing the inner to the physical self.
I seriously need a reality check.
At least studying could keep my mind of things,
but what happens after that?
I've got plenty of time to drown myself in self-pity.
I reallllly reallly feel damn bad now.
I hate this.
My disease is just acting up once in a while..
It will die out by tomorrow.
So i just needed a space to vent it out.
& it'll probably erupt again some months later.
I hate today. Very very much. Period!
Monday, August 24, 2009
I'm going M.I.A for a bit.
- Reason being blogger sucks nowadays,
as well as banning myself from the lappie.
Revision = Prelims = O's
That's my current life. (:
Before dying on my blog,
Buy you more planes next time.
Just have fun with your life. I'll have fun during your major papers.
I'll talk to you soon.
So long never call you this already.
Anyhow, i'm going MIA but i'm still gonna seeee you..
So i guess i won't miss you too much. HAHA.
But stilllllll, don't get too suffocated with work. (:
I miss going over to your place and dirty your queen sized bed.
I'm so gonna dirty it after papers.
Hur, love you bff.
Welcome back.
Talk to you soon.
I'm be happier if your next gf is chinese.
So i guess my next update will be nov? (:
- Reason being blogger sucks nowadays,
as well as banning myself from the lappie.
Revision = Prelims = O's
That's my current life. (:
Before dying on my blog,
Buy you more planes next time.
Just have fun with your life. I'll have fun during your major papers.
I'll talk to you soon.
So long never call you this already.
Anyhow, i'm going MIA but i'm still gonna seeee you..
So i guess i won't miss you too much. HAHA.
But stilllllll, don't get too suffocated with work. (:
I miss going over to your place and dirty your queen sized bed.
I'm so gonna dirty it after papers.
Hur, love you bff.
Welcome back.
Talk to you soon.
I'm be happier if your next gf is chinese.
So i guess my next update will be nov? (:
Friday, August 21, 2009

I was just looking thru this year concamp's photos.
Those taken from the photographer.
Other then looking unglam, it shows alot of things.
Almost like a summary of the four days.
& i felt so blessed. Sososososo blessed.
I could almost forgot how special it was. Shame on myself. HA.
So a few weeks later, it's NDYD.
A vague thought that came to my mind before, whether or should i do it.
Since i'm not really coping well with my studies.
But after seeing the pics, i don't think it's a waste of my time.
It just a little time sacrificed for Him. (:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This pic is so random, but i like it. HAHA. (:
So i'm like in the midst of my mock test(s). & MT results tmr.
Gone case for sure, if it's a B, i must thank God already.
Frequent headaches really dampen my mood, plus the freaking monthly thing.
Sucks.I can't wait for o's to headstart and end fastfastfast.
People say math make them go mad. I say it's geog.
&&&&&&&, Ashley Tisdale super hot eh.
My mobile's new permanent wallpaper.
Demand TV is superb, cos i get to see her ALOT. HEEEHEEEHE.
Disney channel can be my jolly well be my addiction as well as distraction.
Hannah Montana nowwwwwww.......
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Positive highlights:
1. I found my beloved Ipod. & it's under my bed.
2. I'm 90% done with FNN coursework.
3. I'm in the pink of health, tho i lack tons of sleep.
4. I've made up with my lost lost friend. (:
5. In regards of my work, i'm fairly disciplined.
Over to H's place for his advanced 19th.
So coolios, flying off to germany on his actual bday for 2 weeks.
Lucky bastard.
He's the most cheena malayu, cos most of his friends are literally chinese.
In any way, still bffs. (:
August really kills me.
I'm dry now. Cos it's so many people's birthday!
C,H,V,Q and the list goes on....
I'm really pooooor now. I guess i've to pack lunch to sch everyday.
From tomorrow onwards.
My cash in my bank is gonna deplete really soon. ):
1. I found my beloved Ipod. & it's under my bed.
2. I'm 90% done with FNN coursework.
3. I'm in the pink of health, tho i lack tons of sleep.
4. I've made up with my lost lost friend. (:
5. In regards of my work, i'm fairly disciplined.
Over to H's place for his advanced 19th.
So coolios, flying off to germany on his actual bday for 2 weeks.
Lucky bastard.
He's the most cheena malayu, cos most of his friends are literally chinese.
In any way, still bffs. (:
August really kills me.
I'm dry now. Cos it's so many people's birthday!
C,H,V,Q and the list goes on....
I'm really pooooor now. I guess i've to pack lunch to sch everyday.
From tomorrow onwards.
My cash in my bank is gonna deplete really soon. ):
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I think i suck.
I'm supposed to be doing my work and i'm updating now.
Been doing overnight study the past few days, & it's really productive.
At the same time, condusive. Cos the environment is (:
&& also to see who i'm doing it with. HA.
Just went for NYDD facs training,
and so... i don't know also.
May just go straight for mass directly from here later.
Competitivivity is really terrifying. Tho i know this word doesn't exist but still,
Politics and human relations are like super complicating and it's like mind games.
& then, to decipher whats the hidden message in between the sentence.
In short, understanding 'between the lines'.
But the view in front of me is breathtaking, and fresh.
And so it give me a glimpse of hope for this mad world.
I'm supposed to be doing my work and i'm updating now.
Been doing overnight study the past few days, & it's really productive.
At the same time, condusive. Cos the environment is (:
&& also to see who i'm doing it with. HA.
Just went for NYDD facs training,
and so... i don't know also.
May just go straight for mass directly from here later.
Competitivivity is really terrifying. Tho i know this word doesn't exist but still,
Politics and human relations are like super complicating and it's like mind games.
& then, to decipher whats the hidden message in between the sentence.
In short, understanding 'between the lines'.
But the view in front of me is breathtaking, and fresh.
And so it give me a glimpse of hope for this mad world.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
i don't understand how gaga sound so nice on studio versions,
while she sound really damn bad singing live. So weird.
So i finally uploaded photos that i wanted to longlong time ago.
& so i did today! (: Very random ones. Thanks to class phototaking today.
That urged me to faster upload files. heh.
HAHA, Cheryl. This was a month++ ago.
AES toilet somemore. miss u bff. (:

Concrete F&N coursework evidence. hurhur.
This is extremely killing and time consuming. Rights Kar?
But still, we'll camwhore after mugging. Typical. (:

Freaking funny, had class phototaking today.
& after that, we've got out 'own' phototaking time.
For graduating nite. HAHA.
We zomgoshly don't look like 17and18-s with uniforms.
Anyhoooow, i love'em.

while she sound really damn bad singing live. So weird.
So i finally uploaded photos that i wanted to longlong time ago.
& so i did today! (: Very random ones. Thanks to class phototaking today.
That urged me to faster upload files. heh.
HAHA, Cheryl. This was a month++ ago.
AES toilet somemore. miss u bff. (:

Concrete F&N coursework evidence. hurhur.
This is extremely killing and time consuming. Rights Kar?
But still, we'll camwhore after mugging. Typical. (:

Freaking funny, had class phototaking today.
& after that, we've got out 'own' phototaking time.
For graduating nite. HAHA.
We zomgoshly don't look like 17and18-s with uniforms.
Anyhoooow, i love'em.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
See how much fringe i chopped. (:

I met H on the bus today. omgomgomgomgomg. whateverrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hi, if u see this.
I know it's whiny but i'm still affected by my stranded ipod.
I hate long bus rides without my dearest musics.
especially when my way from home to school is an hour and a half in the mornings.
The worst part is, my classes ends almost at 5pm or longer everyday,
& i have to endure the stuffy and squeezy 188, w/o ipod somemore.
So annoying. Omgosh, heart damn pain my 225bucks just flew away like that.
I feel x-tremy demoralised.
The classroom whiteboard writes, '89 days' today.
It's really depressing to see it decreasing each day.
Whatmore is i still got a load of work still foreign to me.
I'm so dead. I think my school's double-tutorial study program is not working on me.

I met H on the bus today. omgomgomgomgomg. whateverrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hi, if u see this.
I know it's whiny but i'm still affected by my stranded ipod.
I hate long bus rides without my dearest musics.
especially when my way from home to school is an hour and a half in the mornings.
The worst part is, my classes ends almost at 5pm or longer everyday,
& i have to endure the stuffy and squeezy 188, w/o ipod somemore.
So annoying. Omgosh, heart damn pain my 225bucks just flew away like that.
I feel x-tremy demoralised.
The classroom whiteboard writes, '89 days' today.
It's really depressing to see it decreasing each day.
Whatmore is i still got a load of work still foreign to me.
I'm so dead. I think my school's double-tutorial study program is not working on me.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Happy 22nd,JOCHLOEONG!
You know i love you.

I feel soso sad. Know why?
It's jojo's 22nd and i can't even go. ):
If it's not for the F&N's harcore theory prep work tmr,
i would have gone to her partey to cel w her.
But on the other hand, I'm like DONE w the
'kickass' F&N's practical exam.
Super funny, we're doing the backward strategy.
Anyhows lah, so much more research to do.
My social life this week is on the
scale of 1/10.
Other than school peers, Nat's the only one i met.
I hear noises now.
My sadistic neighbour is caning her daughter again.
Poor girl. Screaming like dunno what. ):
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Last night mum talked to me bout future plans.
Quite weird.
Mine sounded quite 'bleak'.
Ohwell, at least she treats me like an adult and don't keep things from me.
It's actually ok since i've got at least half a year to settle down.
Sounds quite stupid.
Anyhows la, i need complete my O's then say first.
My mum even contemplated asking me to forfeit taking it.
Quite weird.
Mine sounded quite 'bleak'.
Ohwell, at least she treats me like an adult and don't keep things from me.
It's actually ok since i've got at least half a year to settle down.
Sounds quite stupid.
Anyhows la, i need complete my O's then say first.
My mum even contemplated asking me to forfeit taking it.
Connect Group LATER. (:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
i feel,
Humans are really contradicting.
As it happen almost everyday, everywhere,
& at any time.
Making me very cynical about every single thing, now.
Sadly, i still don't learn from my lessons and
then regret after that and blahblah.
Always having to act igorant at times, tho i know it.
That's why its ironic!
Whenever i tell anyone about my so-called tragedy,
they'll teach me how to counter-attack, but it never once succeeded.
Maybe i'm too dumb to execute it.
Man, i'm destined to suffer such a fate, HAHA.
Longlong lecturing session from sugardaddy about being stupid.
Wana know why?
Its cos of Insignificance.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Had 'O' Level MT Orals today.
& it was corrupted with english. I literally died there.
The passage effing cheee-na biang lo.
Whatever lah. HAHA.
Nat came from rp to tell me their school offers visual audio courses.
Which is super coolios. Cos the ones at np needs like super low points. /:
& yeah man, i just got myself a part-time daddy!
(: x100
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Just had a convo with my dear girl, Amanda on msn.
She just made my day luh, tho it's really a short one.

1. I'm finally going back to school tomorrow to study.
2. I'm going to be a good girl and stop cancelling tuition.
Third and most importantly,
I'm going to dedicate 4 months of my time and life, to get really focused on work.
It's just the last 100 or so days. So yeah.
Nat just told me not long that i fantasize too much. /: Whatever luh.
hahhaha, we're kinda like on the same boat.
So i'm glad you're suffering cos of work too..
& shows that i'm not alone! Heh.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Home Quarantine by Schooll.
Which make me super bored.
My life at home was just, eat/sleep.
I've never been home at such a long duration before, never.
I'd rather go to school, at least i'm doing something productive. Urgh!!
Speaking of which, i've not seen family for many many weeks already.
The normal gatherings would be every sunday....
but everyone seems to be really busy... as in the 10 kids.
Adults would definitely gather for mahjong and such,
its just the kids.
Myself included, growth sessions with my kids would be on sunday..
which give me an excuse to be lazy and not turn up at palms.
plus school work and all. Giving me really little time with grams. ):

Which make me super bored.
My life at home was just, eat/sleep.
I've never been home at such a long duration before, never.
I'd rather go to school, at least i'm doing something productive. Urgh!!
Speaking of which, i've not seen family for many many weeks already.
The normal gatherings would be every sunday....
but everyone seems to be really busy... as in the 10 kids.
Adults would definitely gather for mahjong and such,
its just the kids.
Myself included, growth sessions with my kids would be on sunday..
which give me an excuse to be lazy and not turn up at palms.
plus school work and all. Giving me really little time with grams. ):
Grams 10 babies.
We all look super ugly and unglam.
Young and super immature looking. Heh.
I don't know when we will take a 2009 one.
Longlonglonglong time ago....

Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Feeling effing weird.
& its apparently not something really positive.
It's like a super long time since i felt this way.
ok nevermind, i think no one understands what im saying here.
ohwell. maybe its just paranoia....
im so dead la, my F&N coursework's like crap,
and it's due mid-august. sososoosoo many editings to do.
uber siazxxx to the max. literally killing my brain cells;
prelims in 9 weeks, o's in less than 4 month.
so sucky right? ):
& its apparently not something really positive.
It's like a super long time since i felt this way.
ok nevermind, i think no one understands what im saying here.
ohwell. maybe its just paranoia....
im so dead la, my F&N coursework's like crap,
and it's due mid-august. sososoosoo many editings to do.
uber siazxxx to the max. literally killing my brain cells;
prelims in 9 weeks, o's in less than 4 month.
so sucky right? ):
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Things are starting to get really messed up.
My whole life became really packed and screwed. HAHA.
Especially now when school increased an extra 2 hours for class.
Which is extremely draining. ):
How i wished i was smarter. ha.
With a sudden twist of events,
things hasn't been going well in the family.
Or so i know.. a part of me was this,
another part was that.
So i'll just have to leave it to the one above. (:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Not Because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.
"Who Am I" is so annoying lah!
Reminds me of so many things uncontrollably.
It has been on repeat mode like forever.
To make things worst, its like late in the PMs now, so quiet and alll....
Hasn't got the chance to really thank some people yet,
but i'm so gonna thank them soon. (:
HAHA, this is really not the time to post pictures,
but im gona do it anyway.
Make 'peace'. (:
We can go on talking like forever!
If the night didn't pass so fast.
Its 11 years of friends, and i'm sure it'll go on for decades. (:
Serving with you guys, is freaking awesome-zxzxz.
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I had to reluctantly accept the virtual truth of the unextended holidays.
Grrfft, had really high hopes that it'll be extended. ohwells.
My 'plan' to study this week was wrecked!
HAHA. But it was really fun tho.. (:
Tonight, it'll prolly be Holland V.
p/s: I miss faithfulness from head to toe terribly..
Hopefully i can get to see my boy on the 5th of July.
I'll really pray hard he'll come....
Monday, June 22, 2009

Finally! A no-error photo of we three. (:

& of course, we need to makan!

He amazes me with the wonders He does.
Amen? (:
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